black and white bed linen

My Blog

Keeping you up to date...

Tiniest Kitchen in Puyallup

July 8, 2024 - If you want to help me get this going, here's something FREE that you can do. Go to my YouTube channel and subscribe. I've got 72 subscribers and that's pathetic. I promise that I won't send you a bunch of email, I won't ask for any personal info, I'll just appreciate that you subscribed. If you WANT to know when there's a new video, click on the Bell. Thanks kids!
July 8, 2024 - Making some real progress on the website. Starting to add "Gadgets" and this is my first blog post!
July 29, 2024 - My Misfits Market order is scheduled to arrive next Thursday. There WILL be and unboxing!
August 12, 2024 - Made a salad today
August 15,2024 - I bought some rice. I decided it was time I knew the differences between Jasmine and Basmati and Canilla. I want to experiment with different ways to cook it. I'll also try some of the packaged rices. I’m not sure how many videos this is going to take. Google says there’s over 120,000 varieties of rice but I’m pretty sure I’ll stop short of that. If you do something special with rice that you’d like to share, let me know about it.
September 3, 2024 - Over the last couple week, new videos on Kiwis, Fried Rice and Jackfruit.